Keeping You Safe
We are committed to maintaining a safe environment for all our patients & staff.
We are following the best available advice,
from the Australian Podiatry Association and the State & Federal Governments.
Podiatry clinics remain an essential part of healthcare services, helping to keep pressure away from GPs & hospitals during this challenging time.
A safe place to visit
Footprints Podiatry are taking additional precautions to minimise the risk of coronavirus (Covid-19) within our clinics.
These include:
- Providing additional hand sanitiser in our waiting area and at reception.
- Our waiting room & reception area have been organised to allow 2m separation between people in our clinic.
- Increasing the frequency of cleaning and sanitisation of waiting & reception areas and equipment.
- Our Podiatrists continue to follow the National guidelines on mask, apron & glove wear.
- Our staff have undertaken training on Covid-19 Coronavirus.
- The re-organising of our staffing rosters, to reduce the number of people in our clinics at any time.
Our clinic has put up visible signage to inform patients of the precautions we are following.
Things you can do to help us
Use the available hand sanitiser when entering our clinics
Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Placed used tissues directly in the bins provided.
Allow 2 meters of space between yourself & others in the clinic. The Podiatrist or assistant helping you should be the only contact you have.
As far as possible we ask that ONLY the individual being treated attend our clinic.
If you have an enquiry, please telephone or email our clinic. Please DO NOT visit unless you have an appointment.
We ask that you contact us to reschedule your appointment if you have suffered cold/flu-like symptoms within the last 14 days.
If you have any concerns regarding your upcoming appointment or need to contact us for any other reason please phone our clinic, or email us: and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.
We can still help, even if you can’t visit our clinic
To help maintain social distancing, we recommend wherever possible you use the option of telephone or video consultations (Telehealth) to get Podiatry advice for your foot problems.
Medicare now allows bulk-billed Telehealth consultations, if you have a current Medicare referral for Podiatry. Our Podiatrists may be able to advise you on how you can prevent foot problems from developing until your next clinic appointment.
Medibank Private also now provides a rebate for Telehealth Podiatry services. We are expecting that other Private Health funds will also provide cover for Telehealth consultations soon.
Keeping up to date
We are currently exploring all options to ensure that we can continue to provide ongoing care and will keep you updated in regards to this as we continue through these uncertain times.
Finally, we want to reassure all our clients that as an organisation Footprints Podiatry takes your health seriously and is being proactive and taking all necessary and recommended precautions in relation to COVID- 19.