Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain can result from poor walking mechanics. Pain behind the knee-cap (patella-femoral pain) can be treated with a combination of orthotics, footwear & physiotherapy.

Simple in-shoe wedges can also be used to treat early stages of medial & lateral knee arthritis.

Podiatry assessment can determine the nature of your knee pain & whether orthotics may help.

Where To Find Us

Footprints Podiatry Burnie

127a Wilson Street
Burnie, TAS 7320
03 6425 7333
Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

Footprints Podiatry Ulverstone

56 Alexandra Road
Ulverstone, TAS 7315
03 6425 7333
Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

Footprints Podiatry Smithton

Circular Head Aboriginal Centre
King Street
Smithton, TAS 7330
03 6425 7333
Thursday 9:30am to 4pm

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